to all the beautiful people reading this, 

Let’s talk about ‘stay vibrant’! 

It all started with me searching for a word to certain express a feeling. A feeling that hit me while being surrounded by great energy. The only word that came close to describing this feeling was ‘vibrant’. For some reason, it captured almost everything I wanted to say and it stuck with me.

Staying vibrant became a part of my mindset. Of course, not all days are equally vibrant… Embracing the fact that life is all about ups and downs is very important. 

Telling people how you feel is not always easy. When I try to express what I really feel, words rarely seem to capture the essence. Most feelings are so much bigger than words could ever describe. Using the percentage % seems like the perfect way to express how I feel without putting it into words. 

People have been asking a lot of questions about ‘stay vibrant’, so I put together a little FAQ. I hope this helps you to stay vibrant and keep track of your %.

Let’s stay vibrant together. A shared boost is the best boost ↑%!

Hope this blesses your day!

xo ~ san

boost pattern